Star Citizen’s Priorities Must Be Questioned: Bed Sheet Physics…?!

According to Cloud Imperium Games (from now on, we’ll call them CIG for short), it is also essential for immersion, but gamers who have been waiting for a good decade (!!!) have a different opinion.


CIG’s game, which has already pulled in over $450 million in crowdfunding, is still in the works. The studio has just released a new update on the game. The main focus is on bedsheet deformation. Yes: now CIG is talking about changing the shape and form of the blanket on our bed, just like in real life, because in Squadron 42, the single-player Star Citizen perspective on sleeping and resting in bed has been updated: now NPCs can do it. We’re deadly serious. They are focusing on this.

“We knew early on that, to hit the fidelity we expect for Squadron 42, we would need to do some R&D on bedsheet deformation. This work is currently underway and, if successful, will allow the AI to deform their sheets when entering, exiting, or sleeping inside them. This is a challenging assignment and expands the complexity of the feature. For example, what happens to the sheets if the AI needs to exit the bed in an emergency?” says CIG.

Seeing these on Reddit, it’s no wonder the community can’t fathom why this is a priority for CIG. Some people believe that the game should have been released years ago, but now they’re dealing with bed sheet physics; some people question the level of detail and would rather wait until 2083 for something like this in a patch; some people think this is a joke (and believe it’s feature creep; i.e. too many unnecessary features are introduced at the expense of the real purpose); some who would rather see the release of the game as the priority; some who think CIG has gone lower than Rockstar (in Red Dead Redemption 2, the shrinking of the horse’s testicles was ridiculous); some who questioned the bed sheets’ seam; others claim Star Citizen will be delayed by two years due to this feature, while others fixed it to two years.

In short, it’s a bad move by CIG.

Source: PCGamer

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines - including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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