Long Excerpt From Stranger Things Season 4 Has Been Unveiled! [VIDEO]

MOVIE NEWS – The official YouTube channel for Stranger Things has released an eight-minute clip giving viewers a glimpse into Eleven’s backstory.



Stranger Things is officially back (almost…)! With the fourth season of the Netflix hit series just around the corner, fans can’t wait to get a sneak peek at any of the trailers. Well, it looks like the showrunners have given the people what they wanted because now the world can get their first taste of what season four of the series will be about.

The Stranger Things YouTube channel recently posted the first eight minutes of the upcoming fourth season of the series.

These first eight minutes detail a flashback to the few years before the series began. The flashback may serve as a warning to viewers that one of the main characters may not be as good-hearted as viewers initially thought, which could have severe consequences in the upcoming fourth season.

The flashback revolves around “Papa,” aka Dr. Brenner, in 1979, when he was a subject at Hawkins National Laboratory. While he is conducting a test on “Ten” to find out how strong his supernatural abilities are, a considerable upheaval begins at the lab, where many of the workers and subjects are crying in terror. After Brenner loses consciousness, he wakes to find death and destruction all around the facility and searches for the person responsible. Once he finds him, he asks the party why he would do such a thing, only to find out that the person responsible is a younger Eleven.

Viewers already know that Eleven and Dr. Brenner have a complicated history together.

Judging from this sneak peek, fans may get an even more detailed glimpse into their relationship leading up to her escape. The series has previously shown how Eleven was once so dependent on Dr. Brenner that he may have committed the mass murder out of envy for the other subjects. The series will undoubtedly reveal what the motive was. However, it also shows that our main characters could be in potential danger if Eleven’s more aggressive side is shown to fans, which they have yet to see.

It certainly brings some well-deserved intrigue to the series, considering how much it has lost in this area. However, if Eleven really did have this devilish side all along, why hasn’t it been touched on before? Several episodes throughout the series have shown that Eleven has morals and knows the difference between right and wrong. So who is the girl in this clip? Is she the one showing her darker side, or is she an identical evil twin? If the latter, things have gotten out of hand. I mean, in a good way.

Considering Stranger Things hasn’t been able to regain the popularity it enjoyed in its first season, these are the new plot threads the show needs to keep viewers interested in the story.

Stranger Things appealed to viewers because it was a great combination of 80s nostalgia and mystery.

With three seasons behind it, that mystery aspect has faded. Now that something is coming to light that viewers have not seen from the character before, perhaps this is the turning point that will bring back the massive popularity of the series.

Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1 premieres on Netflix on May 27, 2022.

Source: YouTube

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