Hogwarts Legacy Showcases The Beauty Of The Castle In An ASMR Video [VIDEO]

Avalanche Software has shared a new trailer for Hogwarts Legacy, which offers an ASMR experience for a trip around the castle grounds.



Despite being delayed to 2023, Hogwarts Legacy remains one of the most anticipated releases currently in development. It offers a glimpse into a world of magic and mystery in the Harry Potter books, and this fully 3D video game will provide a unique opportunity to explore this special world. Taking this idea to the next level, developer Avalanche Software has created a new trailer that gives a closer look at the Hogwarts Legacy setting in the form of an ASMR video.

The trailer for Hogwarts Legacy, titled “A Hot Summer Day”, is a marketing gimmick never before seen in the video game industry.

It was shot with the game engine but is not necessarily a gameplay video. It focuses on no features, no story details, not even voiceovers. Instead, the 20-minute video shows the areas beyond the walls of Hogwarts. These are the quiet areas of the Hogwarts Legacy setting: the farms, the streams, the coast and the rarely visited hideaways.

As an ASRM video, or “autonomous sensory meridian response” recording, it aims to provide something that elicits a physical response to auditory and visual triggers. Accordingly, the Hogwarts Legacy video focuses on the sounds of specific environments, including rippling water, birds chirping, and footsteps on well-trodden ground. Harry Potter fans can watch the video and imagine themselves on a voyage of discovery around Hogwarts.

Admittedly, the new ASMR video won’t offer much for fans who want to experience life at Hogwarts itself.

It does, however, help to establish how big the Hogwarts Legacy setting is, even beyond the walls of Hogwarts. It also shows how much attention to detail Avalanche pays to ambient sound. But there are no spells, magic lessons or anything like that.

Ultimately, this Hogwarts Legacy video is a reminder that the upcoming game will explore an open world for players to explore. This is more than just Harry Potter topoi. Rich in detail, both magical and mundane. ASMR videos are a rarity in video game marketing, but the new trailer for Hogwarts Legacy may start a new trend.

Source: YouTube

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