Following a controversial feud between PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya and Hellena Taylor, the former voice actor of Bayonetta 3’s protagonist, Kamiya’s profile has been restricted by Twitter.
Whether intentionally or not, Twitter has become directly involved in the dispute between Bayonetta 3 executive producer Hideki Kamiya and the protagonist’s former voice actress Hellena Taylor, not just because the conflict is taking place there. Apparently, Twitter has restricted Hideki Kamiya’s account after he responded to Taylor’s call for a Bayonetta 3 boycott.
There’s a lot to unravel, but it all started when Taylor made a video revealing that PlatinumGames was holding auditions to reprise her role as Bayonetta (which is not a common thing) and offered her $4,000 then to take on voice acting duties for the entire game. It has also been suggested online that there is a cultural element here and that these actions – forcing her to audition again and offering her a flat rate, a buy-out fee – is how many Eastern companies operate.
Rather than firing someone outright, they make strong hints, giving you a signal.
Kamiya said Taylor misinterpreted the situation and called what she said “untrue”. He then not-so-vaguely threatened everyone on the internet by ending this tweet with “BEWARE OF MY RULES!”. This hinted at Kamiya’s well-known sly finger to block people, which of course, anyone on social media has the right to do. However, many people who watched Taylor’s Bayonetta 3 video consider the situation unfair and have taken it to Kamiya’s head. Rightly or wrongly, Kamiya responded by blocking as many people as he could, so Twitter restricted his account.
The general perception is that Kamiya may have blocked so many online users that Twitter’s automated systems defined it as a potentially bot-mass block.
Given the number of people responding to Taylor’s boycott, the above is undoubtedly possible. Kamiya blocked so many people at once that his account was restricted. Meanwhile, Twitter has been trying to understand what happened: the technology itself. Of course, there could be many reasons for this, but it seems to be what happened here.
For now, the scandal continues to fester and is unlikely to end any time soon. With the release date of Bayonetta 3 approaching, many are debating whether or not to buy it. Fortunately, the criticism is not directed at the actress replacing Taylor, namely the well-known Jennifer Hale, who is taking over the role of Bayonetta, as the situation is not her fault. She probably didn’t even know it. The problem is quite confusing at the moment, and more will likely be revealed in the coming days and/or weeks.
Source: Diariotiempo