Can You Guess Which Game Former US President Barack Obama Is A Pro At?!

According to a recent Q&A from the Super Smash Bros N64 promoter, former President Barack Obama was super good as Captain Falcon in the original Smash!



In the original Super Smash Bros., Nintendo 64 is perhaps not as famous as its sequel, Melee. But its fanbase is hardcore, nonetheless. One of those fans, Cody Daniels, got to play a little Smash 64 with President Barack Obama in 2015 as part of a Make-A-Wish program. According to him, the former commander-in-chief plays Captain Falcon – and not too badly, either!

During a recent broadcast, Daniels was speaking to Tafo, a figure in the Smash community, and said he got to play Smash 64 with Obama at the White House.

As part of the experience, he received a signed copy of the game. He also received a unique card-protecting coin. Daniels also revealed that Obama played the game significantly better than he expected. Especially compared to the average casual player.

Daniels is now an organiser in the Smash 64 scene. He has organised one of the game’s biggest in-house tournaments. Outside of Smash, he is perhaps best known as a poker player. He recently won $11,000 as part of the “poker reality show” Max Pain Monday. Daniels donated all of his winnings to the Make-A-Wish foundation to “pass it on” and help someone else have the experience he had in 2015. To learn more about Daniels’ work on the Smash 64 scene, check out The 64 Story’s documentary about Operation Desert Smash.

Source: X (1, 2)

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