Starfield Voice Actor Upset by Harassers and Console Fanatics

Elias Toufexis’s voice is easy to remember, as he was Adam Jensen, the main character of the latest Deus Ex games. The Canadian actor also plays an important character in Starfield, he is Sam Coe, one of the members and potential partners of the Constellation space exploration team, with whom you can also get married. He was also one of the voice directors in the game. No wonder then that he was outraged by certain internet commentators who criticized Bethesda’s creation with not very smart criticism.


Toufexis posted a post on X at the end of August, in which he called the fans of competing console manufacturers “ridiculously pathetic”. A PC Gamer reporter later contacted the actor to explain to them exactly what he meant by this remark. Toufexis told them that there was, for example, a person on the social site who just wrote to him “30 fps”, referring to the fact that the game runs at such performance on Xbox Series X as well. As it turned out, this same person also sent the same short message to many other places on X. The actor finds these comments sad and does not understand “how someone can tie their identity to a game console.”

Toufexis was also not happy that someone called his Starfield character disgusting because you can flirt with him as a man. The commenter found this problematic, saying that Sam Coe is heterosexual, but Toufexis said he actually played the role as bisexual.

The actor finds the most outrageous thing about these comments is how quickly they judge Starfield, while he knows how much work the developers have done on it:

“I’m sorry you’re like this, I wish it wasn’t like this. I would like you to come back and say, ‘you know what, this game is actually really fun!’ These are just small things in a much more complex and important world. But they still annoy me because they hurt my friends who worked hard on the game.”

Although it seems that the audience likes Starfield, there are some who have expressed sharper criticisms of the game’s certain shortcomings. There was someone who tried to draw attention to Bethesda’s creation’s problems by comparing it to Cyberpunk 2077, and I found this very strange, as did one of CP2077’s lead developers.

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