The DayZ Developers’ Comment Caused A Storm – Were They Really Mocking Another Game?!

The zombie game DayZ pokes fun at the disaster of the recently released The Day Before by throwing some serious shade on the internet…



The zombie game DayZ cast a serious shadow over the recently released The Day Before. The news comes after The Day Before’s developer, Fntastic, was shut down just days after the game’s release.

DayZ started as a mod for Arma 2, developed solely by Dean Hall. The mod’s popularity exploded in 2012, and Hall was brought in to develop a standalone version of DayZ, along with the rest of Bohemia Interactive. It first reached Early Access in 2013. But it was only in 2018 that the 1.0 build of the game was finally released. DayZ has struggled to reach feature parity with its 2012 mod counterpart over the years. It was kept alive by a dedicated community that helps it stay relevant to this day.

It certainly hasn’t been all smooth sailing for DayZ, but Bohemia Interactive’s persistence with the game has ensured that it has had a much longer lifespan than players can expect from The Day Before.

DayZ, celebrating the game’s tenth anniversary, threw in the sarcastic comment in a statement on X. According to him, the celebration is happening “without any reason”. Given that The Day Before now offers refunds regardless of game time due to the game’s state, this statement’s timing seems eminently opportune. However, the statement does not mention The Day Before by name. But the overall tone, and the comment that it’s “10 years old and still undefeated” suggests that there’s more to this than meets the eye.

For some, the statement may have mixed feelings. For one, DayZ was never perfect. Thus, it can also be considered a potentially hypocritical step. On the other hand, Bohemia Interactive has been working hard for a decade to bring the game to its current state. Sometimes, the more straightforward solution would have been to move on. It must have frustrated the studio that another developer released such a game.

After all, it was only a few days ago that the developers of The Day Before asked players not to accuse them of cheating, and considering how different the final product was from how it was advertised, there must be a lot of players who may feel they were sold a lie by the marketing him.

While The Day Before’s developer is wiping itself from the internet amid the ongoing disaster, DayZ isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. According to SteamCharts, the game often hovers somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 concurrent players on Steam. That’s a healthy population for a game of this age. As Bohemia Interactive is currently busy with Arma 4, it is unknown if players will eventually receive a sequel. If so, hopefully they can expect something much more polished than The Day Before.

Source: X

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