Xbox Gamers Get Increasingly Pissed Off By The Company’s Recent Practices!

Xbox users are voicing their growing frustration with the increasing size and prevalence of annoying and annoying ads appearing on the console…



Xbox gamers seem to be getting increasingly upset about ads appearing on the console. They voice their feelings more and more online. Microsoft’s console’s dashboard has changed significantly over the years.

New technology and new consoles have brought many positive changes; for example, the Xbox Series X/S dashboard has many customization options.

On the other hand, time has also brought setbacks and disappointments for some Xbox fans. Now, many of these users are venting their frustration over one change in particular.

Microsoft appears to be increasing the use of advertising on the Xbox dashboard. Moreover, it serves full-screen ads on startup. These ads mostly contain messages that you would expect on a console, such as previews of upcoming games and announcements at the recent Xbox Developer Direct presentation. Yet many gamers are of the opinion that when they jump on their console, they want to play right away, not watch ads for other titles.

On Twitter/X, some Xbox users are calling this a “trend” and are expressing their annoyance and concern that Microsoft will continue this policy in the future.

Some also point out that given that they paid for the console, and many people pay for the associated subscription service, the ads also seem unfair. This latest controversy follows last summer’s news. At the time, players complained about changes to the dashboard, focusing on the online store. Away from the games. Taken together, these recent developments seem to point to a pattern by the company of trying to drive new sales at the expense of comfort for console owners.

Whether Microsoft will respond to the complaints by withdrawing or agreeing to reduce advertising is unknown. It’s worth noting that some companies have recently changed their advertising policies in response to complaints. Last year, for example, Roblox made big changes to in-game advertising. Removed NFT ads and completely blocked them for users under 13. This happened after questions were raised about the practice. Xbox users will likely be watching to see if Microsoft follows suit.

Source: X

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