“That would probably disappoint some people” – Skyrim Lead Designer Teases The Elder Scrolls VI! [VIDEO]

One Bethesda veteran says that for The Elder Scrolls VI to succeed, it needs to add something new to Skyrim’s formula…



Many gamers dream of The Elder Scrolls VI, but Bethesda is busy with Starfield for now. We have to wait several more years for TES6 because the project left the concept phase last year. In the meantime, however, some former Skyrim developers are happy to discuss the problems that the sixth instalment of The Elder Scrolls may face.

This time, Bruce Nesmith, the lead designer of Skyrim, who worked on Starfield, Fallout 4 and 3, Oblivion, and even Daggerfall, spoke. In an interview with Kiwi Talkz, the Bethesda veteran talks about what The Elder Scrolls VI needs to be in order to live up to the game before it. “When we look at making sequels,” Nesmith explains, “you’re looking at a couple of different things. You have to look at ‘what should I do the same, what should I do different, and what should I do new?'”

“You have to have something significant in each of those buckets.”

“If a sequel does not contain something different than the previous ones, then it’s only tangentially an actual sequel,” he says. He also points out that TES6 should keep everything that fans are used to. “If Bethesda made a new Elder Scrolls game and it didn’t have the material set that they were used to – the Elven, Daedric, Orcish, Glass, etc – that would probably disappoint some people,” he says (via Gamesradar).


The Elder Scrolls VI has to bring something new to the table


“If you aren’t putting something new on the table, then it’s like ‘well I played that already’,” says the veteran developer. He goes on to reveal what’s new in Skyrim compared to Oblivion. “We had a number of new things in Skyrim, dragons being the number one thing, but also the whole radiant story system, where the world becomes highly responsive to the players’ actions,” he concluded his thought process.

Source: YouTube, Gamesradar

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