Quentin Tarantino’s Cancelled Tenth Film Is Praised – What Movie Will The Famous Director Make?!

MOVIE NEWS – Quentin Tarantino’s abandoned The Movie Critic has been hailed as one of the greatest films never made, as the director restarts his final film…



Quentin Tarantino’s now-cancelled 10th and (intended to be) final film, The Movie Critic, has been described by Sony Pictures president Tom Rothman as one of the greatest films never made. The now-defunct project was announced in 2022. The plot details have been continuously made public for the past two years.

However, Tarantino shocked his entire fan base when he unexpectedly announced that he had cancelled the film and was turning his attention to his latest project.

Tom Rothman commented on the film’s cancellation (after Deadline). He only expressed his praise and respect for Tarantino’s decision. “He wants his last film to be meaningful to him,” Rothman said, hinting at why the director cancelled his long-awaited final film. It was revealed in April that Tarantino had scrapped the project and was re-starting his 10th film. Rothman said:

“I have unbounded respect for Quentin, and he is a true artist, and his art is more important to him than anything else. I respect that. And I think he’s very, very determined that his 10th movie will be his last feature film. I’m sure he will go on to do many, many vibrant, creative things because he’s an absolute fountain of creativity, but he wants his last movie to be meaningful to him. And what are you going to say really to that? Except, right on baby.”

Tim Rothman then described The Movie Critic with a phrase associated with the greatest directors of all time, comparing Tarantino to those greats.

“I think it’ll go down as … and Kubrick and a lot of great directors had them … as maybe one of the greatest movies the world will never see.”


Quentin Tarantino’s final film will be ‘even better’ than The Movie Critic


Rothman’s statement did not reveal precisely the concept of the film either (but it was directly related to Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, and Brad Pitt would return as Cliff Booth). But he said Tarantino made the right decision. The director’s filmography, planned for 10 projects, has now become a kind of Hollywood legend. Tarantino has said since the beginning of his directing career that he only plans to make 10 films before stepping down from the director’s chair.

With The Movie Critic being cancelled, the time between his 10th film and his previous film, the aforementioned Once Upon a Time… will be Tarantino’s longest break between films.

Rothman defended that hiatus and Tarantino’s decision to start over. He has full confidence that whatever the director decides for his next film, it will be even bigger. Rothman said:

“I am greatly consoled by the absolute certainty that whatever movie he does decide to make as his last movie will in fact be even better.”

No details or production schedule have yet been revealed for Tarantino’s tenth film. The Movie Critic was supposed to start filming this year. However, it is likely that it will take another year or two before the director finalizes the script for the last film of his life.

Source: Deadline

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