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Tag: action adventure

REVIEW - The destroyed, post-apocalyptic world that The Last of Us Part I takes us to is shockingly spectacular and heartbreakingly realistic.

The Last of Us…

No Country For Our Old Man
REVIEW – Judgment was an excellent surprise when it was released in 2019. Given the critical and commercial success of the spin-off of the Yakuza saga, Ryu ga Gotoku and Sega studios have started work on a sequel: Lost Judgment.

Lost Judgment – Justice…

Justice and Sweet Revenge Hand in Hand
All three Uncharted games, in one package, with a substantial graphical facelift.

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake…

Play it again, Nate!
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard

The Elder Scrolls Adventures:…

En garde, Redguard! (RETRO-1998)

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory…

Shadow King (RETRO – 2005)
Prince of Persia 6 - In Forgotten Sands we will learn, that the Prince has an older brother, Malik, who tries desperately to stop an invading army besieging the family castle.

Prince of Persia: The…

A Hero Not to Be Forgotten (RETRO-2010)
The story of Sunset Overdrive is a fun mix of Night of The Living Dead, and a guy going on a Coca-Cola bender for weeks.

Sunset Overdrive – Smells…

Smells Like Orange Zombies
Mafia III: Definitive Edition - As the first two Mafia games were among my all time favorites, you can imagine the level of my disappointment about the third episode, which is only slightly better than average. Mafia 3

Mafia III – Crime…

Crime Does Not Pay (PS Plus)
Yes, after a while all of this fits in the whole game, but still, Assassin’s Creed III takes its time to be exciting, while almost every other game in the series (including the handheld titles) took you instantly in the midst of the action.

Assassin’s Creed III –…

RETRO - Indians, rebelling colonists, and British soldiers fight for the control of 18th century America’s land, while in…
It might not be the greatest looking game out there, but the developers have done a great job.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition…

Eli Roth Would be Proud

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