Tag: Bernard Cornwell

Netflix's sprawling, compelling five-season historical series The Last Kingdom After the Vikings has proven that there is room for more than one Viking invasion on our screens.

The Last Kingdom: Weapons…

MOVIE NEWS – An important battle artefact from the last kingdom has been dismantled by one of the most…
MOVIE NEWS - Seven Kings Must Die brings the remaining plot of The Last Kingdom to a close. But it will require a significant change to the ending of the book. Warning! SPOILERS are coming!

The Last Kingdom: Why…

MOVIE NEWS – Seven Kings Must Die, the latest in the Last Kingdom franchise, offered a perhaps unnecessary ending…
MOVIE NEWS - Seven Kings Must Die brings the remaining plot of The Last Kingdom to a close. But it will require a significant change to the ending of the book. Warning! SPOILERS are coming!

Did Seven Kings Must…

MOVIE NEWS – Seven Kings Must Die brings the remaining plot of The Last Kingdom to a close. But…

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