Dead Rising 4 Archives - theGeek.games

Tag: Dead Rising 4

Lots of Trailers This…

The industry doesn’t stop towards the weekend. Owlboy is coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC after…
After the name of Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package, the video game has been described as

Dead Rising 4 confirmed…

The Capcom title will be released with all of its DLC, plus a new game mode. Capcom has just…
If Capcom wants to approach this game from a financial aspect, they might make Dead Rising 4 as a multiplatform title. Xbox One has about the half of an install base than the PlayStation 4. Even if it would skip the PS4, similar to some recent Xbox One games, Dead Rising 4 might be out on the Windows 10 as well.

Dead Rising 5 Leaked?…

Even though Dead Rising 4 has not hit the target (perhaps Capcom shouldn’t have released the game on PC…

A Game That Outsold…

In the United Kingdom, there are some… interesting results. Last week, two major games launched. Both are exclusive to…
If you pronounce this roar, you'd be close to saying the word „nigger,” which is a racist slur towards people with darker, black skins.

Microsoft’s Dead Rising 4…

Microsoft got into trouble with a Dead Rising 4 email. It all started with a seemingly harmless email. In…
If Capcom wants to approach this game from a financial aspect, they might make Dead Rising 4 as a multiplatform title. Xbox One has about the half of an install base than the PlayStation 4. Even if it would skip the PS4, similar to some recent Xbox One games, Dead Rising 4 might be out on the Windows 10 as well.

Dead Rising 4 –…

Zack Snyder would be proud
If Capcom wants to approach this game from a financial aspect, they might make Dead Rising 4 as a multiplatform title. Xbox One has about the half of an install base than the PlayStation 4. Even if it would skip the PS4, similar to some recent Xbox One games, Dead Rising 4 might be out on the Windows 10 as well.

[E3 2016] Dead Rising…

Microsoft got caught again with this exclusivity thing. During their E3 presentation, Dead Rising 4 was revealed, but we…
We'll see next week if Hognestad's CV was lying (why would it, though), and if Dante's demon hunting returns to its old form or not. Capcom might prepare with three big announcements!

Devil May Cry 5…

A CV mentions Devil May Cry 5 – Capcom can’t seem to stop leaking information about their upcoming games.…
If Capcom wants to approach this game from a financial aspect, they might make Dead Rising 4 as a multiplatform title. Xbox One has about the half of an install base than the PlayStation 4. Even if it would skip the PS4, similar to some recent Xbox One games, Dead Rising 4 might be out on the Windows 10 as well.

New Information From Dead…

Dead Rising 4 slowly becomes a game that leaks too much before the alleged Microsoft E3 official reveal. Previously…
If Capcom wants to approach this game from a financial aspect, they might make Dead Rising 4 as a multiplatform title. Xbox One has about the half of an install base than the PlayStation 4. Even if it would skip the PS4, similar to some recent Xbox One games, Dead Rising 4 might be out on the Windows 10 as well.

The Dead Will Rise…

It looks like a certain zombie slaughter game will soon receive a fourth installment if we can believe the…