Tag: Microsoft Studios

TECH NEWS - Chris Novak has spent nearly 20 years developing Microsoft's Xbox, so his quitting announcement two days ago may came as a surprise.

After Almost 20 Years,…

TECH NEWS – Chris Novak has spent nearly 20 years developing Microsoft’s Xbox, so his quitting announcement two days…
Once you start to destroy all geometry in the arena, players can no longer rely on that fundamental rule of gameplay. We had to iterate, make mistakes, rebuild, and think about gameplay in a different direction.”

Crackdown 3: Weak Launch…

The United Kingdom can be a good sign to show how the four major games from last week (Far…
Once you start to destroy all geometry in the arena, players can no longer rely on that fundamental rule of gameplay. We had to iterate, make mistakes, rebuild, and think about gameplay in a different direction.”

Crackdown 3, With The…

Implementing the cloud computing performance into Crackdown 3’s Wrecking Zone PvP mode wasn’t an easy task. „What we’re doing…
next-gen Xbox - Xbox One - Xbox Scarlett - Our guess on the price is 200 dollars/euros. It might make this console a very competitive product.

Xbox: Microsoft Is Preparing…

We might see a significant announcement from Microsoft this year. Their blog has a short forecast for 2019 –…

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