Tag: PC

Resident Evil 8 status innovations

Resident Evil 8 –…

Resident Evil 8, also known as Resident Evil Village, captures the imaginations of a lot of people as the…
Cyberpunk 2077 - This time, Stanisław Święcicki, CD Projekt RED's writer, talked a bit about the Polish developer team's next, highly anticipated game that still doesn't even have a release YEAR yet.

Cyberpunk 2077 will only…

CD Projekt RED claims that those using Windows 8 will not be able to play their new job. The…
So Cyberpunk 2077 next-gen is growing, and it's likely that we'll learn a lot about the next highly anticipated CD Projekt RED game at this year's E3.

Cyberpunk 2077: No More…

CD Projekt RED‘s explanation behind the function’s removal is somewhat weird. The game development has a lot of iteration…
Crysis 4 is officially on its way, according to a statement Wednesday from developer Crytek

Crysis in crisis: CryTek…

The studio is looking for additional time to improve the game after seeing the response to its leaked material.…
According to a recent rumor, there will be no complaints about Resident Evil 8 in terms of game length. Rumors suggest a longer game and more exploration.

Resident Evil 8 Game…

According to a recent rumour, there will be no complaints about Resident Evil 8 in terms of game length,…
You don't have to necessarily break the boxes alone, as Toys For Bob's title (which is so close to its launch that it's not under 100% development anymore) will offer several cooperative and competitive game modes.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s…

The developers promised that Activision Blizzard will not do the usual predatory monetization… at launch. Yesterday, we wrote that…
Creating a demo of the game would take up a lot of resources right now, says CD Projekt RED, also noting that the game won’t join the Xbox Game Pass lineup.

Cyberpunk 2077: Japan To…

How much time needs to pass for an in-game day-night cycle? Can we play Grand Theft Auto-style? Here are…
Pyramid Head, the terrifying character in the Silent Hill franchise, has recently arrived in Dead by Daylight .

Dead by Daylight: Pyramid…

The terrifying character is coming under fire for the alleged reduction of his butt. Pyramid Head, the terrifying character…
Vesper: New Puzzle Platformer For PC Announced [VIDEO]

Vesper: New Puzzle Platformer…

German Deck13 Interactive and Cordens Interactive have announced the latter’s very first game, Vesper. The game will be an…
KeokeN on the next-gen consoles: there won’t be much difference

KeokeN on the next-gen…

Following the earlier PC release of Deliver Us The Moon, it has now also visited the consoles (PlayStation 4…

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