Tag: PlayStation 3

As this image isn't confirmed to be official yet, take it with a grain of salt. Still, it's a little disappointing that the devs wouldn't have the entire game ported over to the current gen consoles.

So What Do Prev-Gen…

Last year’s Call of Duty Black Ops III wasn’t a full-fledged title on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The…
However, not only Microsoft is ahead of Sony with safety! Blizzard and Valve with their Battle.net and Steam systems respectively also already have this safety feature.

Sony Is Strengthening The…

PlayStation Network – like all other networks – cannot be called entirely safe. Sony themselves know about this fact,…
What We Deserve - what DO we deserve, though? A decent quality mini-series, perhaps? The finale will decide whether it's even worth picking up Michonne or not.

Michonne Is In The…

Telltale mostly just shot themselves on the feet with The Walking Dead: Michonne. Sure, we know that this is…
After this downtime, let's just hope the PSN will not start the next month with another outage.

PlayStation Network Maintenance! Here’s…

PlayStation Network will be temporarily shut down for a small timeframe, as Sony announced that they will have some…
Wings of Freedom's success depends on the gameplay and the ambiance.

Attack On Titan Is…

Japan has already received the Attack on Titan game in February on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. The game’s…
Hold on... looks like Telltale will keep their word and will indeed release the game in the fall of 2015 on both the PS4 and the PS3.

The Walking Dead: Michonne:…

The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series – it’s something that doesn’t  lower our anticipation for the third season, but it’s…
Call of Tenebrae will be available by the end of June on PC, and maybe PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Mac.

Two Worlds: The Third…

Reality Pump Studios and Topware Interactive (the developers and publishers of Two Worlds games, respectively) published a double dose…
However, the Canadian PlayStation blog might have leaked a target launch window of Yakuza 0.

When Will Yakuza 0…

Yakuza 5, which launched three years in the West after the initial release in Japan, was one of the…
Rey, Finn, Poe, Han Solo, C-3PO, Chewbacca, BB-8 and Kylo Renn will all be involved, and we'll also be able to build custom ships to navigate in the galaxy far, far away.

Star Wars VII: the…

Unsurprisingly, another major successful movie receives a LEGO video game adaptation. Star Wars‘ new trilogy’s first film, The Force…
We don't know if the attacks will happen or not, but let's hope this is a warning sign for both systems and companies.

A new try to…

After the PS3, is Cobra team „done” with the PS4? Previously, this group has made hardware mods for the…

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