Tag: PlayStation 4

God Eater 3: A…

The third God Eater isn’t developed by Shift (who made the previous episodes)… Bandai Namco is holding an event…
The game's visuals are far from enjoyable: they aren't bad but they aren't beautiful either.

Extinction – Unpaid Trolling

Unpaid Trolling

Shadow Of The Tomb…

Lara Croft is coming back, but how? Shadow of the Tomb Raider was properly unveiled yesterday, and as with…
Sony - What's going to happen to DriveClub? Evolution was working on VR-support for their late-2014 game.

Sony Begins An Aggressive…

Sony wants to expand on two separate fronts. Hiroki Totoki, Sony’s Chief Financial Officer, talked at a financial earnings…

Layoffs At H1Z1 Developer,…

The reason why a few people got the boot isn’t fully because of their game performs badly – there’s…

PlayStation 4: Another Increase,…

The Japanese company revealed their latest financial results. The previous fiscal year ended roughly a month ago, and Sony…
Stadia - According to a report from the ComicBook portal, God of War's adaptation to the big screen will be designed for audiences of age.

God Of War: This…

An art book with SIE Santa Monica’s game’s artwork? Yes! A 224-page book has launched recently. It is called…
It seems CD Projekt's DRM-free store also removes Hitman GOTY Edition reviews from under the game's store page...

Hitman: Sniper Assassin: Is…

We already know that IO Interactive is working on Hitman‘s sequel. Now, we might have found out the name…

H1Z1 Will Show Up…

Daybreak‘s free-to-play game will approach Sony’s console shortly. This game has a little troublesome development history – the Battle…
PlayStation Plus - So, the balance isn't entirely positive for February, but the appearance of MGS4 in the February line-up on PS3 isn't a bad idea.

PlayStation Plus: The May…

Let’s see what Sony has pulled out for this month. Will we like the list, or will we be…

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