Tag: PS4

H1Z1 Has A Ton…

Daybreak‘s free-to-play battle royale game is successful. H1Z1 launched on PlayStation 4 in an open beta state on last…
What are the differences between the original and the new version?

Dark Souls Remastered Guide…

"Everything about you!"
Hellblade - In this way, we feel each and every one of the fights as if they were important. - Hellbalde

Hellblade: Senua Sacrifice’s Director…

Having artificial intelligence with machine learning as the base of the game? Tameen Antoniades, the director of Hellblade: Senua’s…
Shenmue III - Seeing how SEGA has formerly moved the Sonic Adventure games out of the Dreamcast to other platforms in the previous generation, it would be a logical move to do the same with the first two Shenmue games as well. Who knows, they might even announce them soon!

Shenmue III Gets Another…

Are the others escaping from Red Dead Redemption 2? Think about it – yesterday, we wrote about how Metro…

Steamboat Billy, an RPG…

Its authors describe it as a Zelda: The Wind Waker that crosses Pokémon. An “epic role adventure inspired by…

RIDE 3 dates its…

Milestone is betting on a video game with an entirely new graphics heart and a revised experience. Although it…

After the Failure of…

The game’s servers are closing in August. The authors of The Order: 1886 say it is the best thing…
The world can be maintained by administrators which is a good idea, in theory, but can result in unfair advantage to certain people or even banning of players (ala Minecraft issues).

Conan Exiles: We Can…

Funcom took their time… Conan Exiles had an interesting route in the past year: it first showed up on…
PlayStation Now - There are several interesting games on the list, especially Capcom stepped behind PS Now: Resident Evil 4, 5, 6, Mega Man 9, 10, Lost Planet 2, 3, Dead Rising 2, earlier Street Fighter games, but there's also Sniper Ghost Warrior, Red Faction Battlegrounds and many more.

PlayStation Now Involves Another…

Sony expands its PlayStation Now lineup. On the PlayStation Blog, an announcement can be found that says the service,…
Technical advancement can also be enjoyed in the character’s appearance.

Yakuza 6: The Song…

He’s Big in Japan

theGeek TV