Resident Evil 7 Archives - Page 2 of 4 - theGeek.games

Tag: Resident Evil 7

Overload Of TGS: Trailers…

We have more than the usual amount today. For Monster Hunter World, Capcom put together a complete program at…

Did Resident Evil 7’s…

Hopefully, you did not forget about the Chris Redfield DLC! On Reddit, the results of some datamining and leaks…

Resident Evil 7: Far…

Capcom has published its financial results for the previous quarter year. The results, which could be found here, mention…

Resident Evil 7: The…

Capcom’s game has good sales, but the company aims higher than the current figures. The Japanese company’s prediction says that…
Resident Evil 8 - The overall feeling of combating the enemy is both better done, than in some of the previous Resident Evil games but somehow still less satisfying, than in Resident Evil 4 for example.

A Free DLC For…

Not A Hero: we have some bad news for those who have been eagerly waiting for the free Resident…
Resident Evil 8 - The overall feeling of combating the enemy is both better done, than in some of the previous Resident Evil games but somehow still less satisfying, than in Resident Evil 4 for example.

Resident Evil 7 –…

Show Me Your True Horror

Resident Evil 7: An…

PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One, PC – all four iterations end up in the crosshair. Capcom’s game…

Another Game Is Unlikely…

After Borderlands 3, carve yet another title on the list which has games that will be unavailable on the…

Resident Evil 7’s Season…

Capcom keeps trying with the Season Pass. Resident Evil 7, which recently got some promotion by the Japanese company…

Resident Evil 7 Heads…

Capcom‘s marketing kicks into a higher gear. After October’s experience in Los Angeles, Resident Evil heads to London’s East…

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