Zara Larsson: Uncover – Next Gen singer from the Swedes

SPOTIFY – The eighteen years old singer started her career back in 2008 when she was only eleven. She appeared in Sweden’s Got Talent show, which she won without even breaking a sweat. Today her song Lush Life is at the top of the Spotify weekday list. She gathered her fans rather quietly, and with a stunt, she wanted to pull a prank, became a world star. After pulling a condom on her leg just to show her lady legs that any tool will fit into it – feminism chose her as a leading face, and became famous. Regardless of this lets take a look at Uncover the new album.


Although we cannot still say that she is a Pop icon, but her new album is a great way to get her going on the road. If I were to compare her to someone it would be Taylor Swift who did similar productions when she was new in the pop business.

Zara hangfekvése nagyon hasonlít Rihanna-éra, így egyáltalán nem meglepő, hogy a stílusát legtöbbször a sztár stílus-jegyeviel keveri, hogy kirobbanó hatást érjen el.
Copy or not copy

While she does strive to be just like Taylor in style, her music has several themes and marks from other successful artists. Her songs are usually the „simple, yet wild” stylied songs, but the lyrics are not vapid unlike some of the other pop singers these years. Before we would start analyzing her songs, I would like to point out that the success of Uncover is due to the combination of styles from such artists as Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Rihanna or Beyonce.

A Wanna Be Your Baby is a lovely song with a fast rhythm that anyone can enjoy listening to it. It is not a party song, but good for setting the foundation for the album, and was a great choice to start with this song. Next up is Never Gonna Die, which tries to recreate Rihanna’s style spiced up with some of Zara Larsson’s signature style. The overall picture is great, and the second song is also good on this EP. Although she does take away from the tempo, the ambiance is built up more which was started with Wanna Be Your Baby.

Zara hangfekvése nagyon hasonlít Rihanna-éra, így egyáltalán nem meglepő, hogy a stílusát legtöbbször a sztár stílus-jegyeviel keveri, hogy kirobbanó hatást érjen el.
Baby powder Rihanna

Uncover once again takes notes from Rihanna’s style the most, and the title song of the album could be listened to from the pop diva herself, as I do not think there would be that big a difference between recording. Zara’s voice is a bit like Rihanna’s, so it is not surprising that she mixes her style to reach bombastic effects. Carry You Home is a bit different from the previous songs’ style and has a bit of Beyonce-Ariana Grande combination next to Zara Larsson’s style. This was mixed by the singer until the song was born which is nearly perfect. Unfortunately here you cannot feel the harmony which the first three songs provided, and, in fact, sounds a bit chaotic at times.

Zara hangfekvése nagyon hasonlít Rihanna-éra, így egyáltalán nem meglepő, hogy a stílusát legtöbbször a sztár stílus-jegyeviel keveri, hogy kirobbanó hatást érjen el.

She’s Not Me, Pt. 1&2 are the black sheep of the tracklist. A forced pop-ballad that regarding ambiance and style is entirely different from the previous songs. It knocks out the listener out of the rhythm, and is a silly song, where the singer has a rhythmless voice. Of course, this is a separate song duo compiled into one, but both Pt 1&2 have the same problem. The last song from Zara in this EP is Rooftop, which tries to fix the black sheep songs, and reinforces the earlier ambiance. The problem with this idea is that she already destroyed that part with She’s Not Me. Causing irreparable damage to our ears.

Zara hangfekvése nagyon hasonlít Rihanna-éra, így egyáltalán nem meglepő, hogy a stílusát legtöbbször a sztár stílus-jegyeviel keveri, hogy kirobbanó hatást érjen el.

As a start Uncover is not a catastrophic failure, but it is too forced at certain parts. The final song tries to sound like Little Mix’s girls Abba songs, but tackling it on her own album with its complexity is an issue. All in all it is an okay EP from the singer, and hopefully she’ll be successful as Taylor Swift.


Zara Larsson: Uncover

Music - 7.5
Lyrics - 7
Style - 8.1
Innovation - 6.4
Trend - 8.5



Fans of pop will not be dissapointed in Zara’s new EP, but should not expect a lot from them. Good song, great rhythms, and smart lyrics are the characteristics of Uncover (mostly). We can skip the second half, or we can ignore Zara’s mistakes, and mediocre songs.

User Rating: 3.5 ( 1 votes)

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Kese is a young talented writer and music producer from Hungary. He loves any styles of music, and movies too. In his free-time he plays action & adventure games.

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