Crackdown 3's Hype Train Hasn't Launched Yet - theGeek.games

Crackdown 3’s Hype Train Hasn’t Launched Yet

We will see the game more than now in the final months pre-launch.

Crackdown 3, which is in development for Windows 10 and Xbox One, hasn’t stuck in people’s heads after E3, especially due to how the cloud-based multiplayer wasn’t presented in Los Angeles. The new gameplay video from earlier this week – which we also covered – didn’t get a lot of attention, either.

Thus, Rukari Austin, the community manager, went to Reddit: „Still lots of work to be done, as well. Sure, you get to play the years of development card, but so much shine (not literal) is added in the last few months. Incredible to watch, but your concerns are heard and understood from our end.”

In another post, he also mentioned that the E3 level had level 3 Agility agents (five is the max yet again), plus the fact that the area was made for beginners, which means there will be more complex platforming in the game than what we saw in Los Angeles. Developers also want backward compatibility for the first two Crackdown games.

On Twitter, we see that the E3 build was far from final, and that we can expect 4K footage shortly, too.

Crackdown 3 is out on November 7 on Windows 10 and Xbox One. On Xbox One X, the game will run on 4K/30 FPS.

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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