Black Ops 4 - Another anti-consumer move by Activision [VIDEO] - theGeek.games

Black Ops 4 – Another anti-consumer move by Activision [VIDEO]

If you thought that after ripping the single-player mode out of the game Activision can’t surprise you anymore, you were wrong.

Some weeks ago Activision had to face a giant backlash by angry fans and gamers because they announced that there will be no single-player story mode in Black Ops 4. The decision is understandable on Activision‘s part, because undoubtedly Black Osp 4 had the worst campaign by far out of all the Call of Duty games – hence why so few people completed it. However, players feel that they aren’t compensated enough for the loss – rightfully so. There should be either more content in the game, or the price should be reduced to 30 dollars.

To give you a real example, it would be a supportable and acceptable decision if Activision would make each and every upcoming expansion to the game free, similarly to what Ubisoft does with the very successful Rainbow Six: Siege. But Activision thinks the other way. It’s not enough that Black Ops 4 will have significantly less content than the previous games, there will be also no option anymore to buy expansion packs separately, only together in the form of the Season Pass. It’s potentially forcing players to spend more of their money.

By the way, there will be a multiplayer beta before release, in which players will be able to try out Treyarch‘s own take on the Battle Royale formula, called Blackout, while it’s possible that the a portion of the Zombies mode will be also included. We don’t know a date yet, but PlayStation 4 owners will probably be able to try it out sooner thanks to the timed exclusivity deal between Sony and Activision.

Black Ops 4 is going to release on October 12th, for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Sources: VG247, DualShockers

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