Guacamelee! 2 just got a release date [VIDEO] - theGeek.games

Guacamelee! 2 just got a release date [VIDEO]

Finally, we can unleash our inner luchador to make justice once again.

Guacamelee! is undoubtedly one of the best Metroidvania games ever along with Hollow Knight. Both critics and gamers loved it, myself included. So it’s not a surprise why so many people are waiting so much for the sequel of this indie wonder.

DrinkBox Studios, the team behind the game finally announced the sequel’s release date. On August 21, Guacamelee! 2 will arrive on PC and PlayStation 4. It will be only 20 dollars and PlayStation Plus users will even receive a 20% discount.

By the way, on the official PlayStation Blog, the lead writer of the game, Gary Corriveau shared some info about Guacamelee! 2.

„More Chicken!

The power of the pollo reigns supreme throughout Guacamelee! 2.

Small tunnel to traverse? Turn into a chicken and strut right on through.

Giant purple block in your way? Pollo Shot and smash that bad boy to bits.

Wait… what’s that? An orange block? Smash it with an expertly executed Pollo Slide.

Pollo Shot against bouncy walls and ricochet yourself a rapid path to freedom.

Experience the full glory of Pollo Glide by using air currents to reach unprecedented heights!

But what if the entire fabric of the Mexiverse is at risk of collapsing in on itself? No problem. Stumble upon a secret society of prophetic chickens and prove your worth. Could JUAN be the fabled CHICKEN-MAN!?

As you can well imagine, these new chicken moves aren’t just for busting your way into exotic new locations. Pollo combat is frantic, furious and fabulous.

In fact, there’s so much new chicken gameplay and content in Guacamelee! 2 that we embedded a genre-busting Pollovania completely inside of the main story’s Metroidvania. The only such game in existence as of the writing of this post… probably.

How to Train Your Luchador

As we were making Guacamelee! 2, it occurred to us that all of the new abilities we were adding would require extensive training for players to properly master. So, we recruited a batch of mostly competent and somewhat knowledgeable characters to fill the role.

As players progress through the world of Guacamelee! 2, they’ll encounter ability trainers. Each of these trainers has a specialty that they focus on. Complete trainer challenges and they’ll hook you up with powerful upgrades and cool new abilities.

Climb to the peak of fitness with Doña Chamoya or sharpen your beak under the tutelage of Rooster Ramírez. Upgrade your grappling moves with Coscorrona or decipher Uay Coco’s instructions to punch with explosive force!

However, if you really want to fight with finesse, visit Flame Face in one of his many tequila bar franchises and go toe-to-toe against punching Poncho (don’t hold back, he’s paid well for the job).

A Bigger Game than Ever Before

Guacamelee! 2 is an epic adventure that can be experienced alone or co-operatively with three of your closest amigos. Explore hundreds of new platforming and combat challenges. New abilities such as Eagle Boost, Rocket Kick, GOOOTCHA! and more add to Juan’s awesome arsenal of luchador moves. Upgrade your pollo form with Pollo Shot, Pollo Slide and a plethora of new chicken abilities (some secret, some not so secret). Select strategically from dozens of new skill upgrades to maximize your lucha potential.

So how did we plan to squeeze all of this into a game the size of Guacamelee! ? We didn’t! Thanks to our poor planning, we were forced to create a much larger game than the original. You can expect a bigger, badder world, with all sorts of interesting nooks and crannies to explore and conquer.”

Source: Gematsu

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