Deathloop: From The Art Style To The Time Loop Mechanics

Deathloop: From The Art Style To The Time Loop Mechanics

Dinga Bakaba and Sebastien Mitton (the director and the art director of Deathloop, respectively) revealed new details about Arkane Studios‘ next game in a fresh interview.

The duo was interviewed by IGN. „You are piecing together what happened on the island, who you are, and what you are doing here and how you can escape. The way it’s a bit different from a roguelike is, imagine that I find an important clue, and I die just after that. Progress is still made. You might lose the gun that you found, but the story has moved forward. Colt [the protagonist] now knows something and the player both knows something important and they need to act on this thing,” Mitton says. He added that the mystery of the island (Blackreed) remains as you never start in the same place doing the same thing with the same goals. If you don’t want to play the game fast but go slow and deliberate, the game won’t punish you – the time loop mechanic respect you from this aspect.

Mitton then praised the PlayStation 5 for the usual things (higher resolution, higher frame rate, HDR, ray tracing, higher fidelity), followed by the following comment about the DualSense controller: „It’s got a lot of nice features with the haptics feedback, the active triggers. We are a first-person game. We value immersion a lot in our games. Feel the weapons in your hand, its reaction, how it reloads, how it reacts to reloading, etc… I think that players will enjoy those functionalities.”

Deathloop’s art was inspired by Saul Bass, an artist who formerly was responsible for the posters and opening sequences in films such as Vertigo or The Shining. Bass’ work was partially the reason why the game is set in the 1960s. His aesthetics convey that unique contrast and clash, which highlights the setting. Mitton also mentioned that Deathloop‘s power set is reminiscent of Dishonored‘s (which is Arkane’s previous IP that is currently on hold), but they wanted to do something half realistic and half comic bookish.

Deathloop launches this Holiday season on PlayStation 5 (as a launch title) and PC. The frame rate is not going to be 30 FPS like in previous Arkane games on console – the studio aims to hit a 60 FPS frame rate.

Source: DualShockers

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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