Ubisoft's Hostage Hoax Caller Continued To Do Fake Calls!

Ubisoft’s Hostage Hoax Caller Continued To Do Fake Calls!

Last November, someone stirred some trouble around Ubisoft Montreal, and now, it turns out that he continued to do his thing after those events…

La Presse, a Canadian publication, reports that the November call was followed by similar fake reports in December and January. The caller wanted to ban a Rainbow Six player (presumably Rainbow Six: Siege, which we shorten to R6S onwards, as the next title, rumoured to be called Rainbow Six: Parasite, hasn’t launched yet). It means the November’s Ubisoft Montreal hostage call was just part of a series of fraudulent emergency calls, just to bring the police to the studio.

The publication court documents indicating that in December, the same person claimed to have planted a bomb near Ubisoft Montreal’s on-site daycare, and in January, another emergency call was made, claiming a group of people took hostages and shot a member of management. However, after the November hoax, the police handled the calls quietly, checking the situation before proceeding. The next day after the third call, the hoaxer directly contacted Ubisoft Montreal, claiming to be an R6S developer, but the people didn’t believe him. It led him to threaten to continue the harassment of Ubisoft until he is given the chance to ban R6S players, particularly a Swedish eSport player called Spoit (aged sixteen).

SPVM, Montreal’s police, investigated the hoax calls, and the trail led to a French player named Yanni „Y4nn0XX” Ouahioune, who has been banned from R6S at least 80 times. When La Presse contacted him, Ouahioune denied having anything to do with the hoax calls. However, he did acknowledge that French authorities had indicted him for making a fake Ubisoft website intended to trick R6S players into giving him their login information. He also admitted to involvement in a swatting case four years ago, as well as having publicly claimed to have hacked Spoit’s Rainbow Six account, but he told the outlet that claim was a lie.

An SPVM representative told Gamesindustry that they are working to identify and arrest one or more suspects, but they didn’t say anything whether Ouahioune was charged or not.

Source: Gamesindustry

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