EA Says Battlefield 2042 Will Be Fixed Soon, But The Community Is Lashing Out At The Developers

One tweet from an EA employee was enough to anger many Battlefield fans



Battlefield 2042 has not been the war dream we had hoped for. Much of its content was cut before release, leaving out spectacular situations such as volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. Since November, DICE has been working on fixing all the game’s bugs, as it has released patches with new features and more than 300 tweaks. And now, EA has tried to calm the community with a terrible result.

EA’s director of communications, Andy McNamara, posted a series of tweets asking players for patience: “Guys, people need a break. We have things in the works, but we need to figure out what’s possible,” he explained in his thread. “Let us come back from the break and get back to work. I love you guys, but these expectations are brutal. The things you want take time to focus, design and execute.”

Unsurprisingly, the massive amount of criticism for such statements has led to the removal of the thread, leaving only an apologetic tweet from McNamara. In addition to this, the Battlefield 2042 forum on Reddit has also caught fire, and, as a result, its moderators have threatened to shut it down: “It’s an understatement to say that this subreddit has become incredibly toxic. It’s almost impossible to have a simple discussion without insults flying around, and it’s really starting to hurt the entire Battlefield community,” reads the moderators’ post.

Of course, McNamara’s move has further fanned the flames of the community on Reddit, so we’ll have to see how this all plays out. There’s no doubt that gamers have been left with an unexpected version of Battlefield 2042, as its bugs have not only caused many users to abandon the game but have also made it one of the lowest-rated games on Steam.

Source: global

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