Jordan Peele’s Nope is not going to be like Get Out! and Us

MOVIE NEWS – Almost nothing can be known about Jordan Peele’s new film, Nope, other than the fact that bizarre things are happening on a California farm.


But we learned something turned again. The star directors of Disappear! and Us have come up with a completely different film this time than their previous two brutal thrillers. Keke Palmer, the protagonist, told Entertainment Weekly. “It’s a whole different movie about something completely different,” the actress fogged, like the fairytale-wise girl who brings gifts and not. – Total topics and total tone are totally different. The style elements are reminiscent of the seventies, which is very exciting. ”

He delved into the details a little later without more information. “In this film, Jordan is doing what he has done so far: commenting on something bigger. There are horror elements because that’s how you research what kind of grinder we live in, why we’re passionate about something, how it defines us, and how we get to the endpoint. ”

( Nope – : July 21, 2022 )

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