Elon Musk explains why he will not make a video game console to compete with PlayStation and Xbox [VIDEO]

Elon Musk says he’s not interested in making a video game console as he talks about eventually bringing Steam to Tesla vehicles. The CEO of Tesla considers that a new console would not provide any added value.


Elon Musk is a person who needs no introduction, but what we do know is that he likes video games and has raved about Elden Ring. In a recent Full Send podcast, Musk was asked if he was interested in bringing a console to market, and his answer was quite blunt about it.

His answer is a resounding “no”; moments later, he explains that he is not sure that a new console will add value to the market . The CEO of Tesla has given his opinion about the consoles considering them as “basically PC” , so he does not see a big difference between them. You can see at 2:22:00 that Musk answers the question they ask him.

Musk says he is “not sure” that adding another video game console to the current market would add any value. He explains that video game consoles are “essentially PCs”, perhaps suggesting that he believes consoles are becoming less and less distinguishable from PC games. This is not surprising, as Musk has previously spoken about not playing on consoles. The only console franchise he says he plays is Halo.

Given his current Tesla gaming ambitions, it’s easy to see what Musk’s gaming inclinations are. It would make absolute headlines if Musk announced that he wants to partner with Sony or Microsoft to build PS5 or Xbox Series X consoles into Tesla vehicles. Instead, Musk’s priority is working on getting Steam running on Tesla’s dashboards.

If Musk did decide to create his own video game console, he would certainly start with an audience. Musk has an almost cult fan base online, sharing his thoughts and opinions on social media. Given the popularity of Musk’s gaming-related tweets, the crossover between this audience and the video gaming community also seems significant.

This does not mean Musk is wrong when he says there might not be many benefits in adding another console to the current gaming market. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo owe much of their success to a foundation that spans multiple console generations. Not since the launch of the Xbox in 2001 has a significant player joined the market. Musk seems content to continue playing PC games, working to bring Steam to Tesla vehicles and he shared his thoughts online.

Source: 3djuegos

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