'Created by a Man with Very Specific Ideas': Wonder Woman's New Writer Struggles With Problematic Origins - theGeek.games

‘Created by a Man with Very Specific Ideas’: Wonder Woman’s New Writer Struggles With Problematic Origins

MOVIE NEWS – In an interview with Popverse, Tom King spoke about the origins of Wonder Woman and the difficulty of writing the modern version of the character.


In an interview with Popverse, speaking to Popverse about his upcoming Wonder Woman series, writer Tom King discussed the creative challenges of writing the Amazonian superheroine, calling her “the most difficult mainstream character” he’s written, in part because she was “in a different time and place and a man who had very specific goals”.

In a great interview with Popverse’s Ashley V. Robinson, Tom King talked about his anxiety about returning to the DC mainstream universe with the new Penguin and Wonder Woman books. Giving insight into his decision to write Wonder Woman, King highlighted the various considerations that “combined to make her difficult to write, which is why I wanted to do it”, adding: “Who wants to do anything easy?”.


Writer Tom King on the complexities of writing contemporary Wonder Woman stories


Regarding the approach to the contemporary Wonder Woman story, Tom King said that the character has been “reworked so many times” that everything about Diana Prince – her villains, her sidekicks, her story – has become “very convoluted”. He contrasted the writing of Wonder Woman with other DC superheroes, saying, “Most characters can be taken back to their origin stories if there’s a lot of plot. You can take Batman back to the first issue of Batman, you can take Superman back to the first issue of Superman. With Wonder Woman, it’s harder .” King explained that this was due to William Moulton Marston’s creation of the character.


The answer to Wonder Woman’s convoluted history is not her origin story


Writer and psychologist William Moulton Marston, under the pseudonym of Charles Moulton, created Wonder Woman in 1941 as a counterpoint to the subservient woman archetype of the era, as an anti-dame. Marston’s ideas and lifestyle choices were far ahead of his time – and by creating the now iconic character, he preached these choices, which were the result of an ideological program. “Some of that agenda was absolutely wonderful,” noted Tom King in an interview with Popverse, “but some of it is a little dated at this point, so you can’t just bring him back to his origins, which involves a certain man’s perversions “.

Instead, it’s up to Tom King as the next writer to take Wonder Woman forward into the future, to separate the character from the outdated, sexualized portrayal of female superheroes that has long dominated the comic book industry, allowing Wonder Woman to exist in a more down-to-earth narrative than ever before. make it more clear that he is “the best character in the DC Universe” and also one of the most dangerous. Instead of looking to the character’s origins for renewal, King’s upcoming Wonder Woman series will seek to tell a contemporary story about one of DC’s absolute powerhouses.

Source: Popverse

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