CIA’s Dark Secret Inspired Stranger Things?! Former Government Project Leaked

MOVIE NEWS – What Eleven suffered in Stranger Things is nothing compared to what actually happened…



Child abuse, electroshock therapy, hypnosis, experimental drugs… It may seem that what Eleven suffered as a child in the Stranger Things series was absolutely vicious, but in fact, it does not even come close to what was done in the framework of the MK-Ultra program. This was the name of the secret CIA project that inspired the Netflix series.

It was the 1950s, the CIA had just been created, and the Cold War had generated mass hysteria about communism. When some soldiers returning from the Korean War claimed that communism might not be so bad after all, the fear that other countries had developed mind control techniques spurred them to create their own program.


The barbarism of the MK-Ultra project that inspired Stranger Things


The project was led by the president of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, who previously also evaluated the German scientists accused of human experiments in the Nuremberg trial. Unfortunately, it looks like he came up with more than one terrible idea in the process.

According to Cameron’s theory, if the human mind could be reshaped to a baby’s level, then the resulting void could be filled with new ideas and knowledge. A Canadian psychiatric hospital became their base, where subjects who came there with their own problems were used as experimental rabbits.

Weeks of electroshock therapy, high doses of psychotropic drugs administered without prior consent or even information, inducing a chemical coma to freeze the brain for months, sensory deprivation in which people were locked in completely dark rooms, their hands covered, and deafening noises tried to make them lose the ability to perceive…

Real barbarisms that lasted for years and whose exact details we still don’t know today.

Twenty years after the end of the project (which did not produce any practical, scientific results in the field of brain control), those who left the institute in a semi-vegetative state, with severe memory loss or with such trauma that they could not even go to the bathroom by themselves, began to share with the press that the little they remembered. The MK-Ultra scandal has finally come to light. However, apart from inspiring, disturbing series and films such as Stranger Things or A Clockwork Orange, no one has paid for the crimes committed. To this day, the victims are waiting for the investigation and to be compensated for the atrocities that happened to them…

Source: CIA, PubMed

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