Capcom has some excellent news for fans, confirming what many have been hoping for: it will revive other dormant IPs…
The legacy of Capcom is full of franchises that have captivated generations of gamers. However, some IPs have never become as defining as Resident Evil or Monster Hunter, Capcom’s golden goose. That said, a part of the community is constantly waiting for the company to bring back old sagas that still have enough potential to be successful today.
Many gamers’ dreams have come true: at The Game Awards 2024, we saw two exciting announcements. The return of the action saga Onimusha and the fact that a sequel to Okami has become a reality have caused thousands of people to express their joy on social media. The truth is, however, that Capcom has other plans, and they revolve around reviving dormant IPs, as confirmed in a recent investor meeting made public by VGC.
“In addition to regularly releasing major new titles each year, Capcom is focusing on re-activating dormant IPs that haven’t had a new title launch recently.”
“The company is working to further enhance corporate value by leveraging its rich library of content, which includes reviving past IPs like the two titles announced above (Onimusha, Okami), in order to continuously produce highly efficient, high-quality titles,” they say.
Capcom fans want Dino Crisis back
You’ve probably heard it before, but the company often asks fans for their opinions through surveys. Capcom’s survey revealed that the community wants a new Dino Crisis game, followed by Mega Man and Devil May Cry. Although the company has had some success in recent years, there are some titles that haven’t fared well. For example, their latest fantasy strategy game, Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, or the unsuccessful Exoprimal, which has not received any further updates after barely a year of existence.
Source: VGC
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