Age of Empires Archives - theGeek.games

Tag: Age of Empires

Relic Entertainment and Microsoft have announced the final remake of the iconic Age of Empires spinoff, Age of Mythology: Retold.

Age Of Mythology: Retold:…

Relic Entertainment and Microsoft have announced the final remake of the iconic Age of Empires spinoff, Age of Mythology:…
Microsoft is preparing an announcement regarding Age of Empires.

Incredible: Age Of Empires…

Age of Empires II is a classic game. The same applies to DOOM as well. We’re surprised it took…
At X019, we could finally see some gameplay of Age of Empires IV - the real-time strategy game will not try to ask a dollar to spawn a unit on your map at least.

Age of Empires: coming…

Age of Empires: Return to Empire will be released in China for the first time and is the result…
Microsoft is preparing an announcement regarding Age of Empires.

An Age Of Empires…

Microsoft is preparing an announcement regarding Age of Empires. Microsoft will have an event at Gamescom. It is called…

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