Tag: Capcom

The video below is about customization.

Guess, what’s the official…

Capcom doesn’t forget about its Resident Evil franchise, although we haven’t heard a lot about the seventh main installment…
There will also be cross-promotion, because Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Hearthstone and Diablo III will also get goodies if you purchase this edition, which will cost 60 dollars.

Blizzard Is Censoring!

Another developer has performed a worrying move. Capcom seems to have created a sad standard as Blizzard followed their…
Just one question remains: why does this game get a current-gen port when it's not even three years old?

Resident Evil 6: another…

Current-gen ports are getting tiresome. Most of them can’t show that much extra as expected from them despite changing…
Ubisoft moves towards movies while Capcom targets theatres - an interesting turn of events.

Nobody Expected A Musical…

We’ve seen some interesting adaptations of multiple franchises – some of them were alright, and some of them flat…

Capcom punishes ragequitters!

Capcom‘s one of the biggest – if not the biggest – game of 2016, Street Fighter V, suffers from…
Capcom has expanded the game since the initial reveal, but it's still a question if it's going to be finished within a year. The clock is ticking.

Deep Down: it’s not…

Capcom hasn’t given up yet. Their PlayStation 4-exclusive Deep Down is slowly becoming the current console generation’s The Last…
Just one question remains: why does this game get a current-gen port when it's not even three years old?

All aboard the Resident…

Capcom continues their current generation porting after the release of the RE1 and Zero, We have to point out…
Capcom has expanded the game since the initial reveal, but it's still a question if it's going to be finished within a year. The clock is ticking.

Deep Down: Capcom’s race…

Do you remember Deep Down? This Capcom project was unveiled at the PlayStation 4 reveal event almost three years…
The game's out on January 16 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Street Fighter V –…

Street Fighter V got a few more details revealed. Capcom‘s marketing machine doesn’t stop for a moment, but if…
It's all fine and dandy, but what cost four million dollars in this project? Was the failed Red Ash Kickstarter project funded out of this?

Mighty No. 9? More…

Keiji Inafune put up a Megaman-clone game on Kickstarter in 2013, three years after his departure from Capcom. This…

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