Tag: Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2 -Deep Silver's statement says choosing Sumo makes perfect sense. Hopefully, the team will be able to get the game back on track!

Despite The Silence, Dead…

Dead Island 2 is slowly reaching Duke Nukem Forever levels of delays. After Techland made the first Dead Island…
Dead Island 2 -Deep Silver's statement says choosing Sumo makes perfect sense. Hopefully, the team will be able to get the game back on track!

Dead Island 2 Is…

Deep Silver and Dead Island 2 – you could barely hear these names in one sentence in the past…
Dead Island 2 -Deep Silver's statement says choosing Sumo makes perfect sense. Hopefully, the team will be able to get the game back on track!

Off Steam – Is…

We might have to bid adieu to Dead Island 2, which has been in development hell for a while…
If we had to guess, Deep Silver will either announce a new Metro game or maybe Saints Row 5. Both would cause surprises.

We can expect something…

Deep Silver isn’t as big of a player in the scene as Ubisoft, Electronic Arts and Activision are, but…
Dead Island 2 -Deep Silver's statement says choosing Sumo makes perfect sense. Hopefully, the team will be able to get the game back on track!

The new developers of…

It’s been a while since Deep Silver threw out the previous developers (Yager of Spec Ops: The Line fame)…

Another Dead Island game…

Dead Island Retro Revenge. Deep Silver is doing something behind the scenes again. The Australian Classification Board ended up…
Dead Island 2 -Deep Silver's statement says choosing Sumo makes perfect sense. Hopefully, the team will be able to get the game back on track!

Dead Island 2: Yager’s…

Yesterday, when Deep Silver, the publishers of the Dead Island franchise announced in a very short statement that Yager…
Dead Island 2 -Deep Silver's statement says choosing Sumo makes perfect sense. Hopefully, the team will be able to get the game back on track!

Dead Island 2: So…

Deep Silver has had a short, yet so shocking announcement overnight, pulling an unexpected move. They pretty much got…
Dead Island 2 -Deep Silver's statement says choosing Sumo makes perfect sense. Hopefully, the team will be able to get the game back on track!

…but where is Dead…

We have to wait even more for Yager’s game… Deep Silver has published a short statement about the upcoming…

Dead Island 2 only…

Dead Island 2 was announced back at last year’s E3, but with a new developer. Instead of Techland –…