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Tag: Masayasu Ito

Andrew House wants the new model of PS4 to be a stopping gap, and with the addition of HDR, and 4K(ish) to next generation console games it should be a treat for gamers.

PlayStation 4 Pro Might…

We might be able to put in a faster HDD (or even an SSD!) into the new PlayStation 4.…
You read that correctly; Sony did have lower expectations for the PSVR, and they didn't want to have nothing to provide the retailers with to have a headset for every customer in the autumn.

Why Will PlayStation VR…

Previously – before Sony officially revealed the details about their upcoming VR headset – rumors were about that PSVR…
ivel a Gamestop az Egyesült Államokban egy fontos bolthálózat, így a Sony fontos partnerként kezeli őket.

Will PlayStation VR Come…

While we’re – at least – six months away from Sony‘s virtual reality’s headset‘s, the PlayStation VR‘s release, there…
ivel a Gamestop az Egyesült Államokban egy fontos bolthálózat, így a Sony fontos partnerként kezeli őket.

PlayStation VR is technically…

PlayStation VR is like the modern gaming’s Yeti. We keep hearing about it more and more, yet we still…

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