Tag: next-gen

Fares didn't disappoint us - after him saying F___ THE OSCARS at one of the former The Game Awards, we somewhat expected him to have some of those off-the-cuff comments.

Josef Fares’ Opinion Of…

Josef Fares didn’t disappoint us – after him saying F___ THE OSCARS at one of the former The Game…
Microsoft blinked before Sony did, and the latter will abuse this chance, it seems. PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales.

American Environmental Agency Versus…

The United States’ Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC for short) doesn’t accept how (both models of) the PlayStation 5…
The Poles are in a tough situation now, although some of the bad reputation they get is all their fault. Maybe not this time, though.

Cyberpunk 2077: Did CD…

The Poles are in a tough situation now, although some of the bad reputation they get is all their…
exclusive Cyberpunk 2077 - Keanu Reeves, who you might remember from either The Matrix or the John Wick films, has had a stellar performance at E3 when it was confirmed that he'll be in Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt

Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt…

The Polish team has also delayed Cyberpunk’s next-gen versions so that it wouldn’t be shoddy on PlayStation 5 and…
Star Wars game - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will feature an authentic story set shortly after the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, when the Jedi have fallen.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen…

The PlayStation 5 and the two Xbox Series consoles can now run Respawn‘s 2019 title that made Electronic Arts…
CD Projekt RED's newest game might cause the company to lose 10% of its annual income.

Cyberpunk 2077: Multiplayer Leaks,…

CD Projekt RED‘s newest game might cause the company to lose 10% of its annual income. DSOGaming wrote about…
The November-launched console can receive a bit of older look - however, you need to have a PlayStation 5 first, which isn't that easy to do nowadays (and not just because of financial issues).

We Can’t Buy A…

Unfortunately, the threats mean the limited number of the retro PlayStation 5 models will no longer be sold, as…

Returnal: New Gameplay From…

Housemarque continues to remain loyal to its motto, which is Gameplay First. In the newest episode of Returnal’s HouseCast,…
TECH NEWS - Ampere Analysis has predicted the pace of console sales in a market characterised by manufacturing problems, yet the PS5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series machines seem to be selling well.

The Next-Gen Consoles Outperformed…

While there aren’t enough PlayStation 5s and Xbox Series in the stores, it seems that – internationally – they…
Hitman 3: New Details About Tone And Gameplay

Live Service Isn’t Necessarily…

The Danish studio also talked about how they found the balance between zaniness and darkness in Hitman III. „[Live…

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