Tag: Nintendo

Nintendo Switch - Interesting fact: while we saw Skyrim in the Switch trailer, Bethesda didn't confirm that the game is heading to the new platform. DeNA = mobile games.

The New Nintendo Console…

The Japanese company finally revealed their next hope; the console called Switch. That’s not the name we expected! With…
Still, Nintendo might see some profit with Pokémon Go Plus (image below).

15 million users less!…

One of the fads in July, Niantic-developed Pokémon Go, seems to fade away after a month of success. In…
Tokyo Game Show - Microsoft versus Japan - so far, the country is winning.

Microsoft Skips Tokyo Game…

Microsoft has problems when it comes to penetrating the Japanese console market. Nintendo and Sony effectively give zero chance…
Still, Nintendo might see some profit with Pokémon Go Plus (image below).

End of Nintendo’s Bull…

  Reality check: Nintendo ended Monday with an eighteen percent plummet on the market on Monday. This sudden drop…
Pokémon Go is a worldwide success, and we're not exaggerating about this whatsoever.

Pokémon Go Enters Japan

Pokémon Go is now available in Japan, so Nintendo can see how the local players respond to the game…
The console will be out on November 11.

Nintendo Is Reliving The…

The Nintendo Entertainment System will return to the stores, although in a different form after two decades. The Mini…

Nintendo and its Pokémon…

Thanks to Pokémon Go, Nintendo‘s stocks have sold well in the past few days. But that’s not all –…
Pokémon Go is a worldwide success, and we're not exaggerating about this whatsoever.

Sony XDev Europe Is…

Pokémon Go flipped the lives of thousands of mobile owners, because they began looking around in their environment due…
Pokémon Go is a worldwide success, and we're not exaggerating about this whatsoever.

Nintendo Is Flying Right…

In just two days, Nintendo‘s financial situation jumped in an extreme fashion! Recently, Pokémon Go was released, making people…
After the Vita, there is a need for new LIFE in handhelds. No, I don't mean Android and iOS platforms. Remember how many handhelds were made in the nineties? We need that to happen again, although it's unlikely to see that era return.

Gaming on the go…

The past, present, and future of handheld consoles

theGeek TV