Tag: Paragon

Paragon: Game Over Because…

Epic decided to leave Paragon behind to concentrate on another game. Epic Games‘ announcement says that the free-to-play PlayStation…
Knowing how the developers were behind Unreal Tournament games - as well as Unreal Engine, which will be used in Paragon in its latest version -, we can expect high quality.

Paragon – A waste…

A waste of effort
Knowing how the developers were behind Unreal Tournament games - as well as Unreal Engine, which will be used in Paragon in its latest version -, we can expect high quality.

Paragon: Brand new updates…

Epic Games‘ MOBA Paragon is steadily getting further and further updates in its alpha state. The testing is at…
Knowing how the developers were behind Unreal Tournament games - as well as Unreal Engine, which will be used in Paragon in its latest version -, we can expect high quality.

Paragon: A taste of…

Epic Games is working hard on their new MOBA called Paragon. This game is going to arrive on the…