Tag: PlayStation 4

Let us guess: the usual stability improvements will be included in the patch notes. That's not warrating much to jump this big in the version number. From 2.54 to 3.00, it made perfect sense, as it brought several things from YouTube direct streaming through getting the PS Plus options right from the main menu to posting small video clips to Twitter.

Everything You Always Wanted…

Sony officially revealed some details about the upcoming 4.00 system software update. Let’s see what the new firmware, codenamed Shingen,…
We haven't seen No Man's Sky in the last few weeks, but it looks like the devs really took their time to improve!

UPDATE – No Man’s…

UPDATE: No Man’s Sky‘s PC version (which is buggy, to say the least) started out nicely, but that is…
Real time combat, online skirmishes with up to thirty-two players, medieval open world, and (obviously) RPG elements describe Mount & Blade: Warband.

Mount & Blade: Warband…

We’ve known that the medieval RPG will get a PlayStation 4/Xbox One port, but not the exact release date.…

South Park: The Fractured…

Warning: may or may not be suitable for watching! South Park does a clever jab at the hype for…
Killing Floor 2 will take place one month after the events of the first episode in Europe.

Killing Floor 2 Dated…

While Killing Floor 2 has been in Early Access for months on Steam, we weren’t able to answer the…
Square Enix didn't comment yet, but if the game does end up getting delayed to November, we wonder if they will use the usual „we need to fine tune the game in the extra time” reason or not?

UPDATED – It’s True:…

UPDATE: The rumors weren’t lying yet again: Square Enix finally admitted that they cannot release the long awaited RPG…
We will be able to provide a review once the game releases, and determine whether this game is worth our time, or not.

Berserk Musou – The…

The Eclipse is here
The video below is about customization.

A Multiplayer Game Gets…

On the PlayStation 4, it is a rare sight to see a multiplayer game receive a free weekend (the…
We'll survive this one week easily because we have multiple games to play.

Gran Turismo Has Over…

New sales results emerged from Polyphony Digital – guess, which Gran Turismo installment sold the most so far? Polyphony’s…
It's still a good thing: Sony will have to work harder - competition usually brings the best out of both companies.

Xbox One against PlayStation…

Recently, Xbox One ending up as the bestselling console in the previous month is rare. In fact, the last…

theGeek TV