Tag: Sony

Weapons, action, great music and violence in Cyberpunk 2077 - new gameplay trailers & things have also come to light about our origins.

Cyberpunk 2077: The Special…

The expanded refund policy that Microsoft introduced in December will be replaced by the original, traditional approach.   CD…
The console, which is slowly turning fourteen years old, is going to have its abilities somewhat cut back shortly with the PlayStation 3 messages gone.

Multiple PlayStation 3s Were…

From June 18 to June 19, a ton of PlayStation 3s received the banhammer.   The reason behind this…
It might be the time to (officially) reveal the price and the release date for Sony's next-gen console.

A PlayStation Experience Trademark…

Two Sony patents have popped up, and one of them is about PlayStation Experience, shortened to PSX.   No,…
Sony is shutting down the production of most of the „old” consoles, while the new one doesn't seem to bring the numbers expected in Japan.

Sony „Supports And Encourages”…

It’s hard to believe it, but that comment is what the president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment said.…
It seems that Sony's new console is going to get a strong title in its launch line-up if the rumour is true.

Demon’s Souls Remake: Don’t…

FromSoftware‘s game is likely not going to receive a PlayStation 4 iteration.   Previously, we discussed how PlayStation Game…
Jim Ryan, the president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) might be a little annoyed as his dream of a simultaneous global launch isn't happening.

Jim Ryan: Throwing Money…

A week ago, Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox had an underhanded comment aimed at Sony’s strategy. Here’s the…
Focus Home Interactive is also a publisher that seems to focus on niche titles, and interesting concepts. From Call of Cthulhu, to The Surge, Blood Bowl, and to Vampyr they have a wide catalogue of different games published under them.

PlayStation Plus: Did One…

Sony will not reveal the official list of which games the PlayStation Plus subscribers can access for free for…
Sony's stock market tumbles 13% after Microsoft's deal

PlayStation VR 2: PlayStation…

Sony’s VR headset: PlayStation VR 2 would employ Samsung’s OLED panels, company sources say.   PlayStation could publish its…
A week after Phil Spencer's promise, Microsoft is already dancing back from the Xbox One. Scam Show: Microsoft Edition?

The Head Of Xbox…

Phil Spencer‘s comment is blatantly aimed at Sony without directly naming the company…   Spencer, the head of Xbox,…
After the February cyberattack, information might have leaked to illegal hands (including the games' source codes, but we are not necessarily talking about this...).

CD Projekt: The Security…

After the February cyberattack, information might have leaked to illegal hands (including the games’ source codes, but we are…

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