UPDATE - There's No New Ninja Gaiden Game In Development? - theGeek.games

UPDATE – There’s No New Ninja Gaiden Game In Development?

UPDATE: Yesterday, we wrote about how Keiji Yamagishi, a veteran in video game music production/composition, said that he’s working on a new Ninja Gaiden project. We initially believed that it might be a new game. However, Yamagishi wrote about it on Twitter again: „I apologize for any confusion caused by this tweet. This new project does not relate to a new video game!”

Still, Yamagishi is working on something. Will it be a new Ninja Gaiden CGI movie or anime? If it’s not a game, yet some music is needed, what else can it be? A soundtrack remaster?

ORIGINAL: The Ninja Gaiden franchise is showing signs of life.

Keiji Yamagishi is a veteran in video game music; he’s been composing for over three decades already. On Twitter, he wrote the following: „I’m pleased to announce that I’m working on a new project related to Ninja Gaiden. I’ll be able to share more news in July!” Yamagishi worked on the first, NES/Famicom Ninja Gaiden‘s music in the late eighties, so his word can be taken as trustworthy.

We don’t know what this game is going to be yet, though. A new, numbered installment? Another spin-off, like Yaiba? What are the target platforms? Consoles? Handhelds? Mobile? No idea. Still, we can’t wait to hear more about the project – after all, Ryu Hayabusa would be eager to slice a few bad guys into ribbons.

Also, Team Ninja, who has been responsible for the Ninja Gaiden games since the franchise’s revival, is probably going to finish development of Nioh by the end of this year. Perhaps they are going to move on to work on the new Ninja Gaiden?

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