We Have Never Seen Such PlayStation Item Before!

Sony still has ways to surprise us.

We read the surprising announcement on the PlayStation Blog, where Sony has revealed none other than… a PlayStation credit card! While it’s limited to the United States only, we think it’s something extraordinary that deserves mention.

The card is created due to the collaboration of Sony Rewards and Capital One, giving rewards/bonuses (such as discounts, coupons on the PlayStation Store, etc.) to those who are PlayStation fans. It grants five times the points on PlayStation and Sony purchases and when used in the PlayStation Store, three times the points when you pay your cellphone bill, and the standard amount of points on all the other purchases. Also, cardholders get 50% of their money spent as a statement credit off of a 12-month PlayStation Plus membership, but only after you spend over three thousand dollars within a year. There’s also 10% back towards PlayStation Vue, PlayStation Music, and PlayStation Now. There’s no annual extra fee on the card, and it can also have game-related designs as well.

We don’t see this offer happen around Middle-Europe, though…

Source: PlayStation Blog


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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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