BioWare talks about the status of Mass Effect and Dragon Age

Casey Hudson explained what is coming up for both franchises.

As part of an interview given to the Game Informer, BioWare‘s icon, Casey Hudson, stated that, for the time being, most of the studio’s resources are concentrated in Anthem , but one group is already working on the next installment of Dragon Age .

In addition, the CEO of BioWare, who returned to the company last year, called Mass Effect “his baby” and stressed that they will return to the series at some point.

“I would say that most of the people in BioWare are working in Anthem, but we do have people deciphering what the future of Dragon Age looks like,” explained Hudson. “[Mass Effect] is my baby. I helped with Mass Effect from the beginning. Of course, we are going to return at some point. ”

The latest installment of Dragon Age, Dragon Age: Inquisition marked the migration of the series to the Frostbite engine and debuted in 2014, with a great critical reception. Otherwise it was the Mass Effect Andromeda of 2017, whose adoption of the cited engine was injured, which passed a high bill to the reputation, both the series, and the company.

Both Mass Effect and Dragon Age were the big absences at the EA Play 2018 conference, but Casey Hudson was there to talk about Anthem. Both he and some of his colleagues delved into the details of the game and revealed that it will be available next February 22 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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