Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo: Console versions delayed until 2022 [VIDEO]

Announced in 2018, the adaptation of the famous Vertigo by the Spanish Pendulo Studios had recently resurfaced to reassure us about its progress. Unfortunately, this videogame variation now joins the long list of postponed productions, not without making amends.


Those who were hoping to find this year the universe freely adapted from the famous British director will be in for a surprise: no doubt seized by the fear of emptiness, Microids has just announced the postponement of the console versions of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo to 2022, in order to continue to maintain a certain idea of suspense.

Fortunately, the French publisher didn’t come empty-handed, and it’s with a new trailer (since withdrawn) featuring writer Ed Miller, still in the grip of vertigo, that he announces the sad news. These few unreleased sequences are an opportunity to discover a story that is well in tune with the times, since this free (and somewhat modernised) adaptation still shows a certain respect for the original work’s chromatic range. Let’s hope that this little setback will allow us to polish the copy, and avoid the problems encountered by Blacksad Under the Skin, from the same publisher, when it was released.

This preview obviously raises many questions about the protagonist’s sanity and the veracity of his late companion, but can an hour of therapy be enough to change a life? Answer with the release of Alfred Hitchock Vertigo still scheduled for 2021 on PC, and in 2022 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, and Xbox One.

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