Star Citizen Reorganises Its Roadmaps To Avoid Confusion Among Fans

The creators are giving us the opportunity to find out about ideas for Star Citizen through two separate websites.



Star Citizen has captured the attention of a large group of gamers because if there is a title that speaks to the heart of every space adventure fan, this is it. Although not yet released, the millions of dollars raised have given the developers wings to release updates and continue development. However, the slowness of this process has generated several complaints from the community, and Cloud Imperium Games is looking to improve in this area.

The new website allows the community to follow the development of Star Citizen

Eurogamer takes a look at CIG’s statements that the company has decided to only release information about upcoming patches to avoid false promises around features that have not yet been finalised.

Henceforth, the company will focus on the Release View website, where future updates to the release can be viewed: “It has become abundantly clear to us that despite our best efforts to communicate the fluidity of development, and how features marked as Tentative should sincerely not be relied upon, the general focus of many of our most passionate players has continued to lead them to interpret anything on the Release View as a promise.”

As mentioned above, Release View shows us all the ideas that actually, or at least hopefully, will make it into Adventure. But CIG also has its Progress Tracker website, which offers the work of each team and its expected duration over the months without going into specific promises. Both tools can be viewed at any time, although the Release View section now focuses on patches closer to the time.

So users interested in the Star Citizen build process now have a new way to keep track without getting excited about features that won’t arrive for some time. After all, CIG has warned that there is still a long way to go before officially seeing their game on the market.

Source: Eurogamer

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