Work On The Third Silent Hill Movie May Have Already Started?!

MOVIE NEWS – A new film in Konami’s legendary Silent Hill saga would tell a story separate from previous adaptations.



It’s no secret that we’re looking forward to the return of Silent Hill, especially now that we’re hearing more and more rumours about it. We’ve known about the Konami saga for a while now, but it was the director of the 2006 film who surprised us.

We’ve got some fantastic video game adaptations these days, but back in 2006, game fans weren’t too happy with the way their games were reflected on the big screen, but this movie was a pleasant surprise.

Despite the problems, the film was able to deliver for viewers, and a new instalment could be a great way to bring the series back beyond video games.

In an interview with Jeux Video (seen by VGC), Christophe Gans, the director of the first Silent Hill film, confirmed that although he was forced to stay at home due to Covid, he took the opportunity to write two scripts, including a new movie for the franchise, albeit entirely separate from the previous two films, while “respecting the evolution of the franchise.”

“It was important to create a Silent Hill for today’s audience” – Christophe Gans, director of Silent Hill (2006)

Gans confessed that he was working on a “Silent Hill for 2023”, the year he would have targeted for release, rather than a film like the one he had in mind in 2006. Although Gans talks about a 2023 film in the interview, in translation, VGC notes that it’s unclear from the director’s statements whether he was confirming a new movie for 2023 or simply working on the script with a 2023 release in mind.

“For me, it was important to create a Silent Hill for today’s audience,” explained Gans, who noted that today’s horror films don’t look like they did back then, “Not that the horror films of 2007 weren’t good, but every genre goes through an evolution.” The director stressed that the series has always been ahead of its time.

Source: VGC

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