DOOM On A Chocolate Bar?! Funny Video Pokes At The Classic That Runs On Any Device [VIDEO]

Adafruit’s delightful tech gurus and hackers have issued an important warning for this Halloween. DOOM could be lurking around any corner…



Warning, Halloween candy may contain harmful levels of DOOM! A Milky Way slice was shown as proof of this danger, complete with a working screen running the game.

Every year, American society is panicked by the infinitesimal possibility that someone is putting expensive and dangerous illegal substances in children’s Halloween candy.

This is perhaps one of Americans’ favourite moral panics. Part of the reason it’s so prevalent, apparently, is that various scare-mongering news channels draw attention to it every year.

Running DOOM on all kinds of devices is, of course, the highest tradition of gaming and hardware hacking. The combination of open-source code and simplicity, and meagre system requirements by modern standards, has yielded a lot of strange results over the years.

Only this year, we have seen someone running the game inside the Notepad application. Or even with a dial-up phone.

Adafruit is a New York maker team that builds all sorts of cool stuff for the broader DIY community.

In the past, they’ve made the news for building a working LEGO space computer and a wildly creative LED sock that can move, among other things.

Source: Adafruit

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