You Won’t Believe What Injury Brad Pitt Suffered During the Filming of Troy That Almost Halted Production!

MOVIE NEWS – Over the past three decades, Brad Pitt has mesmerized global audiences with his versatile performances in films such as Seven, Fight Club, Inglourious Basterds, and World War Z. The accomplished star has always embraced new challenges, and in 2004, he ventured into the realm of historical war dramas by playing Achilles in the epic film Troy, inspired by Homer’s Iliad.


Starring alongside Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, and Diane Kruger, Pitt took on the role of the legendary Greek warrior Achilles, but his on-screen battles weren’t the only challenges he faced. During filming, Pitt suffered an ironic injury to his Achilles tendon, an incident that halted production for several weeks. Despite this setback, Troy went on to become a massive box office success, earning nearly half a billion dollars worldwide.

In Wolfgang Petersen’s cinematic spectacle, known for films like The NeverEnding Story and Air Force One, Pitt brilliantly portrayed the fabled hero of the Trojan War, often considered the greatest Greek warrior of all time. Literary enthusiasts will recall that Achilles’ only weakness was his heel, which ultimately led to his tragic demise; this vulnerability gave rise to the term “Achilles’ heel.”

To prepare for this challenging role, Pitt underwent six months of intensive training to sculpt his physique to resemble a Greek statue. Yet, despite all his preparation, fate had a twist in store: he tore his Achilles tendon while filming a fight scene against the giant warrior Boagrius. The intense moment, mirroring the poem’s epic battles, led to months of recovery for Pitt. Director Wolfgang Petersen recounted the moment to The Sydney Morning Herald, saying, “Look at his face when he lands. There’s a second you can see something’s wrong. Great for the scene, terrible for the movie. Brad was hobbling around for months and we had to come back later to finish the last scene – which, ironically, was another big one-on-one combat scene, the one between Brad and Eric.”


Troy: Box Office Triumph but a Critical Failure


Despite the setbacks during production due to Pitt’s injury, Troy made a stunning debut on May 14, 2004, and dominated the global box office, earning a staggering $497 million worldwide. It grossed $46.9 million in its opening weekend and was one of the year’s top-grossing films, alongside blockbusters like Shrek 2, The Passion of the Christ, and Spider-Man 2.

While audiences flocked to see Pitt portray the iconic Greek hero, critics were less enthusiastic, criticizing the film for its lack of fidelity to the Iliad and its perceived lack of emotional depth. Despite this, Troy was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Costume Design and was praised for its stunning visuals and Pitt’s powerful performance, solidifying his status as a leading force in Hollywood. Troy is available for rental or purchase on Prime Video, Google Play, or Apple TV.

Forrás: MovieWeb

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