The Japanese publisher is in no hurry to announce the latest installment in the franchise, as we’ve only heard rumors about the episode so far.
Despite the release of Resident Evil: Village over three and a half years ago, Capcom has yet to announce the new installment. Since then, however, there has been a new entry in the franchise, as Resident Evil 4 Remake attracted attention when it was released last spring. But the situation with remakes is exactly the same as with new episodes: the Japanese don’t want to say anything about what’s going on.
However, Dusk Golem/AestheticGamer, who often talks about the franchise on Twitter (or Discord), has commented on what he thinks the new Resident Evil will be like: “Regarding Resident Evil 9, I’m not very surprised after learning that it was delayed by a reveal last summer and an internal development delay that it hasn’t appeared anywhere this year. While Resident Evil: Village was pushed back a bit from its original release window, it felt more like a Resident Evil 2 Remake-level delay. That was originally slated for a January 2018 release for the game’s 20th anniversary, but it needed some major revisions, so it got pushed back to January 2019.
Capcom’s pipeline has a lot going on anyway, so I can 100% see a scenario where Capcom had to figure it out both through the lens that they have a lot of other games coming out and Resident Evil 9 needs more time to cook. It’s a really ambitious game anyway, so if they think it needs time then that’s fine, but I think Capcom is working out where it’s going to fit in the next couple of years,” Dusk Golem wrote.
Just don’t make it like Deep Down or Pragmata. Now, who remembers those…?
Source: GameRant
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