PlayStation 5: The 30th Anniversary Themes Will Return Later!

We can’t understand why Sony can’t make themes that celebrate its past available to fans on a stable, permanent basis!


Back in December, Sony released a PlayStation 5 firmware update that allowed gamers to customize some elements of the console’s operating system, allowing them to port over some of the things that were specific to the four previous PlayStations. For example, the classic PS1 startup sound, or PS1, PS2, PS3, or PlayStation 4-like themes, and there’s also the 30th anniversary, and they could apply that to the main screen and other things.

That’s fair enough so far. But the problem is that Sony has only released all this to the public on a temporary basis. Why is that? Because for many people, nostalgia might be more rewarding than, say, the iconic PS1 sound effect that we saw under the Sony Computer Entertainment logo and then continued under the PlayStation logo? Anyway, Sony has confirmed on Twitter that these retro elements will be available later thanks to positive user feedback:

“Thank you for the fantastic response to the classic PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 limited time console themes that will be leaving tomorrow. Due to the positive response to these four themes, we’re working behind the scenes to bring these special designs back in the coming months,” Sony said yesterday, meaning that the 30th anniversary themes will leave PlayStation Network today.

While it’s true that Sony recently launched a website that summarizes the last three decades of the PlayStation brand, we still can’t understand why these themes are only temporarily available for PlayStation 5. Even if Sony does bring them back, when can we expect them, and if they do return, will they be temporary or will they be available to players on a permanent basis?

We’ll see, but for now we can only doubt it.

Source:  VGC

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